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Who Can Use Global Sunn™ Brand Sunn Hemp?


Growers of Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts and Berries, and Organic Growers

Global Sunn™ (a non-GMO) is a good break crop between vegetable and strawberry crops. It does not host root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) or reniform nematodes (Rotylenchulus reniformis) and is shown to help reduce nematode pressure on cash crops.


Global Sunn It is a fast grower. In 45-60 days it will produce large amounts of biomass, helping add organic matter to loose, sandy soils, while generating significant amounts of soil N and scavaging deep in the soil profile for Potash and Potassium.


Winter Wheat Farmers, Following Harvest on Fallow Ground

Global Sunn™ is ideal as a cover crop planted following winter wheat and other small grains harvested in early summer. Once established, it grows rapidly, produces significant amounts of N, and helps prevent soil crusting, wind and water erosion. As a tropical legume, it tolerates dry, hot conditions.


Between Sugar Cane Plantings

A fast growing tropical legume, Global Sunn™ is well suited for use after sugar cane fields are terminated due to drop in production. It recharges soil with N and the biodiversity helps break disease cycles. The dense, tall growth habit helps suppress weed growth during fallow.


Farmers, Hunters, Landowners

Global Sunn is known for its ability to restore soil fertility and health. It grows rapidly in warm summer-like conditions and resists dry soil conditions. In 60 days it can grow to six feet in height and has the potential to grow from 2.5 to 4 tons per acre in biomass. 


In many cases this makes Global Sunn an outstanding cover drop. As a tropical legume, Global Sunn does not tolerate cool conditions. It should be terminated at the first sign of flower buds appearing, as it will have done all of its beneficial work by then.



Global Sunn is an outstanding forage, particularly for goats. Sheep do well with it, as well as chickens. For wildlife food plots, deer, wild turkey and quail are especially attracted to it. Deer bed down in plots of standing dead plants because they are a good hiding place, and the stalks make for a fairly soft bedding surface off the ground.


GLOBAL SUNN™ Brand Sunn Hemp

Many Uses, Many Benefits


- Good natural N producer in warm, dry conditions

- Reduces root knot nematode pressure

- Vigorous growth out-competes most weeds

- Biomass production increases organic matter

- Helps prevent soil erosion

- Improves soil quality, helps relieve compaction 

- Controlled high-protein grazing (non-equine)

- For wildlife plots seeded in early summer



Global Sunn™ has added 140+ lb/ac (160+ kg/ha) of actual nitrogen per acre to the soil when grown for 60-70 days, then incorporated in test plots. 



Global Sunn™ can produce 2.5 tons/ac of air-dry weight within 60-70 days. Up to 4 tons per acre have been seen when growing conditions are particularly favorable.



Global Sunn™ (Crotalaria juncea) is resistant to root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) and reniform nematodes (Rotylenchulus reniformis). Research shows root-knot nematode populations reduced, likely a result of sunn hemp being an unsuitable host. 


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